Do you struggle to speak your truth?
Do you sometimes struggle to speak your truth?
Those who know me well will remember that for many years, I repeatedly experienced bouts of tonsillitis, laryngitis and throat infections. I knew that I found it difficult to speak up for myself and be assertive in many situations, but until I learned about cakras, I hadn't realised there may have been an energetic link.
Through yogic inquiry and conscious awareness of vishuddhi cakra (energy centre at the throat), I have been able to address the barriers and blockages to speaking up. I've addressed these through my personal yoga practice involving chanting, pranayama (breath regulation practices), and asana (postures) focusing on releasing tension around my neck, jaw and throat. Eerily, I can't remember the last time I had a throat issue!
You might like to try this 2 minute Sa Ta Na Ma chanting practice, which stems from "Sat Nam" meaning 'my true essence' or 'true identity'. This mantra is helpful in targeting any blockages in our throat cakra.
Let me know how you go with the practice!